City of Santa Monica – Phil Brock, Oscar de la Torre, Vivian Roknian, John Putnam

Phil Brock:

Candidate Profile:

Phil Brock, the current Mayor of Santa Monica, has served as a longtime advocate for public safety, local businesses, and resident well-being. Brock has been a staunch supporter of increasing police resources in response to rising crime, while also prioritizing efforts to tackle the city’s homeless crisis with dignity and effectiveness. His focus on public safety and accountability has earned him endorsements from law enforcement unions. With decades of experience in civic leadership, he emphasizes a balanced approach to growth and public services, ensuring that Santa Monica remains both a safe and vibrant community. 

Why We Endorse Phil Brock:

Thrive LA PAC endorses Phil Brock for his decisive leadership and dedication to public safety. Under his leadership, the city has taken tangible steps to address the growing crime rates and implement community-based solutions for homelessness. Brock’s clear commitment to increasing police presence and reducing crime aligns with our values, making him a key player in restoring a sense of safety and security in Santa Monica. Brock’s pragmatic approach to governance, combined with his long-standing ties to the local business community, ensures that he will continue to foster an environment where businesses can thrive while keeping residents safe.

Oscar de la Torre: 

Candidate Profile:

Oscar de la Torre is an incumbent Santa Monica City Council member with a background in social work and education. De la Torre has been a vocal advocate for affordable housing, homelessness solutions, and community empowerment. His work focuses on building a more inclusive city, providing support services to vulnerable populations, and addressing mental health and substance abuse issues related to homelessness. De la Torre is also committed to public safety, supporting efforts to bolster police resources while working on preventative measures to reduce crime.

Why We Endorse Oscar de la Torre:

Thrive LA PAC endorses Oscar de la Torre for his holistic approach to community safety and affordable housing. While de la Torre’s focus on social services and homelessness prevention is crucial, he also recognizes the importance of maintaining a strong police force to tackle rising crime. His leadership has been instrumental in pushing for both preventative measures and law enforcement support, making him a well-rounded candidate who can effectively balance public safety with compassionate policies. 

Vivian Roknian:

Candidate Profile:

Vivian Roknian is a small business owner and long-time Santa Monica resident who is running for City Council with a focus on public safety, small business advocacy, and community well-being. As a first-time candidate, Roknian brings a fresh perspective to the council, with a commitment to reducing crime, particularly focusing on addressing issues like shoplifting that affect local businesses. She also supports increasing the number of sworn police officers in the city, emphasizing the importance of a well-staffed police force to maintain public safety.

Why We Endorse Vivian Roknian:

Thrive LA PAC endorses Vivian Roknian because of her dedication to public safety and her firsthand experience as a small business owner. Roknian’s commitment to hiring more police officers and addressing the specific concerns of local businesses, such as rising shoplifting, aligns with Thrive LA PAC’s pro-small business stance. Her platform promises to address Santa Monica’s crime wave with practical solutions, making her an excellent addition to the City Council.

John Putnam:

Candidate Profile:

John Putnam is a 30-year Santa Monica resident and business owner who is running for City Council with a focus on restoring public safety and improving the city’s handling of the homelessness crisis. Putnam supports policies that balance the need for supportive housing with public safety, advocating for housing solutions that are appropriately located away from schools and parks. He also emphasizes the importance of revitalizing local businesses by ensuring that Santa Monica’s streets are safe and welcoming for residents and tourists alike.

Why We Endorse John Putnam:

Thrive LA PAC supports John Putnam for his pro-small business, pro-safety platform. Putnam understands the delicate balance between supporting homeless services and ensuring public safety in public spaces. His dedication to common-sense safety policies and supporting local businesses aligns perfectly with our vision for a more prosperous and secure Santa Monica. Putnam’s leadership will be crucial in addressing the city’s pressing safety concerns while fostering a thriving business environment. 

Together, these candidates make up the “Safer Santa Monica” slate, with a shared commitment to addressing the crime surge, enhancing public safety, and revitalizing the city’s economy through strong law enforcement and business-friendly policies.